var rate = 20; // Increase amount(The degree of the transmutation)
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main routine if (document.getElementById) window.onerror=new Function("return true") var objActive; // The object which event occured in var act = 0; // Flag during the action var elmH = 0; // Hue var elmS = 128; // Saturation var elmV = 255; // Value var clrOrg; // A color before the change var TimerID; // Timer ID
//============================================================================= // doRainbow // This function begins to change a color. //============================================================================= function doRainbow(obj) { if (act == 0) { act = 1; if (obj) objActive = obj; else objActive = event.srcElement; clrOrg =; TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100); } }
//============================================================================= // stopRainbow // This function stops to change a color. //============================================================================= function stopRainbow() { if (act) { = clrOrg; clearInterval(TimerID); act = 0; } }
//============================================================================= // doRainbowAnchor // This function begins to change a color. (of a anchor, automatically) //============================================================================= function doRainbowAnchor() { if (act == 0) { var obj = event.srcElement; while (obj.tagName != 'A' && obj.tagName != 'BODY') { obj = obj.parentElement; if (obj.tagName == 'A' || obj.tagName == 'BODY') break; } if (obj.tagName == 'A' && obj.href != '') { objActive = obj; act = 1; clrOrg =; TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100); } } }
//============================================================================= // stopRainbowAnchor // This function stops to change a color. (of a anchor, automatically) //============================================================================= function stopRainbowAnchor() { if (act) { if (objActive.tagName == 'A') { = clrOrg; clearInterval(TimerID); act = 0; } } }
//============================================================================= // Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor(for Netscape6 and Mozilla browser) // This function begins to change a color. (of a anchor, automatically) //============================================================================= function Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor(e) { if (act == 0) { obj =; while (obj.nodeName != 'A' && obj.nodeName != 'BODY') { obj = obj.parentNode; if (obj.nodeName == 'A' || obj.nodeName == 'BODY') break; } if (obj.nodeName == 'A' && obj.href != '') { objActive = obj; act = 1; clrOrg =; TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100); } } }
//============================================================================= // Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor(for Netscape6 and Mozilla browser) // This function stops to change a color. (of a anchor, automatically) //============================================================================= function Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor(e) { if (act) { if (objActive.nodeName == 'A') { = clrOrg; clearInterval(TimerID); act = 0; } } }
//============================================================================= // Change Color // This function changes a color actually. //============================================================================= function ChangeColor() { = makeColor(); }